In this new blog post I include:
How my book was featured in a 3-page article in Kindred Spirit magazine– UK’s leading and renowned mind, body, spirit magazine.
How John Hunt Publishing was recently acquired by Watkins Media.
My book extract is featured in Kindred Spirit magazine issue 180– featuring the book chapter “The Power of Plant-Tech Fashion.”
What is plant-tech fashion?
The mission of the Healthy Fashion Campaign.
My book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths is featured in Kindred Spirit Magazine, the UK’s top mind/body/spirit magazine.
I am very thankful to have my book featured in Kindred Spirit magazine, and I have always been inspired by the magazine. It is great to be able to be a part of it. As a fashion ‘psychic’ and a planetary energy healer, I love all topics that they talk about. I have studied metaphysics for a long time now, and I have been on the path of spiritual development since I started living and working previously in ashrams and monasteries, practicing yoga and meditation.
Kindred Spirit Magzine features: “ground-breaking stories – years before such news hits the mainstream publications.” – Kindred Spirit Magazine
The featured article is a 3-page feature of a book extract from the chapter ‘The Power of Plant-tech.”
The Spring Issue Cover

Healthy Fashion is one of the featured stories in Kindred Spirit magazine Issue 180. The feature highlights one of my chapters from Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths, about the future of plant-based fabrics, which I call ‘plant-tech’ fashion.
The cover page is beautiful and one of the cover lines says “ Invite in Fresh Energy and Natural Magic this Ostara” I love this cover line, and I believe healthy fashion is all about fresh energy and natural magic! Fashion is truly magical, and modern fresh fashion is magical fashion. On the cover of the magazine, one of the cover lines states “Exploring the Future of Sustainable Fashion,” which is in reference to my book extract feature.
The owner of Watkins Media– Etan Ilfeld Acquires John Hunt Publishing

Etan Ilfeld owner of Watkins Media Acquires John Hunt Publishing
I will credit the new parent company of John Hunt Publishing– Watkins Media for giving me the opportunity to be featured in their magazine Kindred Spirit. I hope the article will inspire all fashion consumers and fashion professionals.
I am happy to have had this opportunity. The owner of Watkins Media and Kindred Spirit Magazine Etan Illfeld recently acquired John Hunt Publishing. It is sad that John Hunt has given the company up, but he wanted to retire. He gave his company to another leader in the field of health and spirituality.
“On October 23, 2021, Repeater Books announced that they had bought the Zero Books imprint from John Hunt Publishing. Then, two days later on October 25, 2021, it was announced that Watkins Books owner Etan Ifeld had purchased John Hunt Publishing from John Hunt.”
“Etan Ilfeld is the owner of John Hunt Publishing. He is a London-based entrepreneur and the founder of Tenderbooks, Repeater Books, and the owner and managing director of Watkins Books, Watkins Media, and the Mind Sports Olympiad”
I was happy to have my book extract featured in their spring issue because they could have picked hundreds to thousands of other books from John Hunt Publishing, and they chose to feature my book!
“Kindred Spirit is the UK’s leading guide to Mind, Body and Spirit and was founded in 1987 by Richard Beaumont and Patricia Yates, following the inspiration of ‘The Harmonic Convergence’ in which thousands of spiritual seekers gathered at sacred sites throughout the world.”
Check out the Kindred Spirit Spiring Issue 180 featuring my article here:
The Feature

The book extract feature:
The magazine features part of my chapter called The Power of Plant-tech Fashion.
They state: “Designer Alyssa Couture looks to plants to consider the future of sustainable fashion” If you did not know, I launched a small fashion brand in 2015– and produced several handmade fashion sample collections.
They were presented in many fashion shows, were chosen to be entered in Saks 5th avenue talent search competition, and sold in local shops and e-shops. All the product was plant-based and modern fashion apparel.
You can visit my old Instagram account (no longer active) here to see the designs I had produced from scratch. I did all the pattern-making, designed and sewn all the fashion pieces.
One of my favorite quotes from the book was highlighted in the featured article:
“Wearing plants is a concentrated health practice that leads to the modernisation of humanity”
A few important parts of the book extract that were illustrated in the magazine feature:
Book published by Ayni Books– an Imprint of John Hunt Publishing
Video of Plant-tech Fashion: book extract from Healthy Fashion Feature
What is Plant-Tech fashion?
This is the intro paragraph that is included in the book extract feature which describes what plant-tech fashion is.
“’Plant tech’ is a fashion term I developed. Plant-tech is defined as advanced plant-based fabric and dye technology, and the production of these plant-based fabrics to advance human health for planetary evolution. Plant-tech merges nature with technology. It is solely dedicated to the optimal development of fashion products made 100% from plants and minerals.”
The extract also includes why plant-tech is optimal
“The plant-tech solution is founded on the textile development of alternative, choice fabrics produced and used for their health benefits, ergonomic function, superior performance and long lifespan.”
Fabrics currently accessible for the mass market:
Bamboo (Natural/Lyocell)
In Healthy Fashion, I have a created a chapter called ‘The 36 Plant-based Fashion Fabrics
For the Present and Future.’
Each textile/plant fiber is described and I explain whether the fabrics were used in the past, are currently moderately or mass-produced, or are being tested and experimented for future minor/mass/moderate production.
The 36 fabrics I chose are important fabrics that help support both humans and the environment. Healthy plant-tech fashion is fashion for the modern lifestyle.
Buy my new book Healthy Fashion: The Deeper Truths

Check out the preview of the book on Amazon here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09QML38DJ/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
I am very happy to be featured in Kindred Spirit magazine and also be recently featured on 50+ podcasts, magazines, and companies in regards to my book. My mission is about claiming the existence of fashion to be experienced with a deeper purpose– fashion as an alternative medicine for mind, body, and spirit.
The sole motive of my book Healthy Fashion, and my company: Healthy Fashion Campaign is to bring fashion into its course as a therapeutic, healing tool. Fashion and apparel are used for consciousness and enlightenment. It feels great to see my own fashion story be shared, and that so many thousands of people are interested in fashion for health and wellness!
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